Wednesday, 13 July 2011



In India, there are about 6.5 million pigs now a days. But it is only 1 % of world pig population. China leads the world in pig production. At present, the exotic breeds and upgrading of pig is very popular in everywhere. Pig industrynis very important in modern ays for pork, becon, ham, sausage, lard etc. and the by-products like pig skin, bristles and manure. Pig manure is widely used as a fertilizer either for the soil or for the fish pond for the production of methane gas and also for culture of the algae which can be used as animal feed.


At present, there are about 60 recognised breed of pig in the world. Out of this, the following breed are trust worthy :-

(1) Large white york shire.

(2) Middle white york shire

(3) Landrace

(4) Berk shire

(5) Jamworth

(6) Chester white

(7) Duroc

(8) Herefort


The genital organ of a sow is more or less similar with that of a cow. But the horn of uterus is long, flexible and freely more about. They are arrange in numerous coils and resemble the loop of intestine. The gilts generally attained puberty at the age of 6 - 8 months. The oestrus cycle is 21 days interval. On the average ovulation occurs approximately after 48 hrs from the onset of oeatrus. In the sow, fertilizers occurs only into 6 - 10 hrs after mating. The gestation period of swine average 114 days.(3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days.)


(1) Enlargement of vulva, 2 - 8 days before the onset of heat.

(2) Reddened and swollen sometime associated with mucus discharge.

(3) Restless activity.

(4) Mounting on other animals of both male and female.

(5) Allowing mounting by other swine.

(6) Characteristic immobility responsed when pressure is applied to the back region.


While selecting gilt or sow, the following points should be carefully considered for breeding purpose.

A. Appearance Or Type :-

In selecting a gilt or sow from its appearance. The following points should be kept in mind :- (1) General form or type

(2) Size of weight for age

(3) Development in the region of high price cut of pork.

(4) Quality.

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